We are happy to announce a milestone nomination from Mark Skousen, who is a foremost leader of the liberty movement! Skousen is the Founder of Freedom Fest (the largest annual gathering of free market minds), the Editor of Forecasts & Strategies (a leading investment newsletter), currently featured in Forbes magazine for a revolutionary new analysis of national income and expenditures. Additionally, he was the former President of the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE, the nation’s oldest free market think tank).

Mark Skousen

If you too think that ISIL President Ken Schoolland is worthy of this prize, then feel free to put him down in a:

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Jonathan Gullible, which is now has 73 publications in 48 languages, 3 audio books, 3 plays touring Eastern Europe and Africa, and even more books, plays, musicals and even an animated film in progress! Trying not to toot our horn too much further—it has also racked up numerous awards and endorsements, and is supported by dozens of international public policy institutes worldwide. The majority of these activities have been made possible by ISIL.
For the latest on these activities to advance liberty around the world check out theJG Fall Newsletter.

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