Last month, Liberty International hosted a conference titled “Secrets to Preventing and Treating Disease in the Ever-Changing U.S. Health Care Landscape.” The one-day conference was held in Austin, Texas, and featured John MacKey, Mary Ruwart, Sally Pipes, Naomi Lopez-Bauman, Kyle Varner, and David Vequist.

Kyle Varner, Jeffrey Kanter, and David Vequist

First, Sally Pipes gave an update on Obamacare, and discussed her plan to achieve affordable, accessible, quality care.
Next, John Mackey, founder of Whole Foods, shared his ideas about nutrition, supplements and other aspects of healthy living.
Mary Ruwart, Ph.D., gave a lunch seminar about little known “secrets” for early detection of disease, prevention ideas, treatment possibilities, and end of life options.
After lunch, Naomi Lopez-Bauman gave an update on Right-to-Try policies, and patient autonomy.
Kyle Varner, M.D. shared his research into medical tourism, which could help audience members find alternatives to American medicine.
And finally, David Vequist, Ph.D. expanded on the conversation about medical tourism, patent consumerism, and free markets winning in health care.
Stay tuned for a video of the conference, which will be posted soon!
In the meantime, Liberty International announced the World Conference in Puerto Rico to be held on August 8-12. Click here for more information!

Jeffrey Kanter and Mary Ruwart