December 13, 2016

Is climate change really that scary?

According to SkepticalScience, “rising sea levels are widely considered to be the greatest threat posed by climate change.”   For the purposes of this argument, we will ignore any kind of disagreement within the scientific community about other causes, or the…
December 6, 2016

Why are we still in Afghanistan?

As a young soldier in Afghanistan, I remember asking a superior why we didn't venture into certain areas. Surprisingly, he said that those areas were controlled by the Taliban. But wasn't that the reason we were there, to get rid…
November 21, 2016

Why Trump won

The media elite, who have proven themselves to be hilariously wrong about everything in this election, are scrambling to come up with an explanation for how Donald Trump was elected to become the 45th President of the United States.  Everything about this carefully crafted…