We are excited to present the Liberty International Annual Report 2022, highlighting the remarkable accomplishments and impactful work carried out throughout the year. Here are some key highlights:

  • LIWC 2022: The event gathered 90 participants from 19 countries, with 50 scholarship recipients worldwide, fostering international collaboration and knowledge sharing.
  • Immigration Index: The analysis of three countries reached an impressive 200,000 people, shedding light on crucial immigration-related issues and promoting informed discussions.
  • Project Arizona: Six leaders from five countries joined forces with a shared goal. Testimonials highlighted the unique and transformative nature of the program, empowering participants to become leaders for liberty.
  • Libertarian Solutions 2.0: Eighty students participated in 12 sessions, centered around four pillars. Testimonials expressed gratitude for the scholarship opportunities and the valuable knowledge gained from renowned scholars worldwide.
  • Socratic Reading Circles: With eight participants spanning eight countries, these sessions facilitated thought-provoking discussions on freedom and societal issues, encouraging participants to challenge their perspectives.

The Liberty International Annual Report 2022 demonstrates the organization’s dedication to fostering liberty, education, and collaboration globally. Together, we strive to create a freer world and inspire change.

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