On October 12, an event of paramount significance unfolded in Tirana. The occasion marked the launch of Dr. Rainer Zitelmann’s enlightening book, “In Defence of Capitalism,” freshly translated into Albanian by Liberty International Representative – Kozeta Çuadari Çika. The venue was none other than the “House of Leaves,” a historical site that once served as the Surveillance Office during the communist era but has now been transformed into a museum, dedicated to educating the younger generation and foreign visitors about the horrors of communist dictatorship.

This event was made possible by the collaborative efforts of Minerva Publishing House, the publisher, and the invaluable support of the libertarian, Adri Nurellari. In attendance were Dr. Rainer Zitelmann himself, the skilled translator, media representatives, and numerous other enthusiastic individuals.

Dr. Zitelmann provided a succinct overview of the book’s content, systematically dismantling the prevailing myths against capitalism. He meticulously addressed the most common criticisms levied against capitalism, including issues like poverty and hunger, inequality, overconsumption, climate change, environmental degradation, and war. Through rigorous examination, he presented historical facts and compelling evidence to underscore that capitalism is far from failing; quite the opposite.

A particularly intriguing section of the book explores the public perceptions of capitalism in 21 countries across Europe, the USA, Asia, and Latin America, with Albania being a noteworthy inclusion. Drawing from Ipsos Mori polls, Dr. Zitelmann’s analysis piqued the audience’s curiosity.

Attendees actively engaged in a Q&A session, enriching their understanding of the book’s content. Many Albanians, having lived through the communist period, are well-acquainted with anti-capitalist theories. As the nation navigates its transition towards democracy, Dr. Zitelmann’s analysis undoubtedly serves as a valuable resource for a more profound comprehension of genuine capitalism and the establishment of the right economic reality.

In the days to come, Dr. Zitelmann will be granting interviews to various media outlets, including Klan TV, Top Channel, CNN Albania, and more. Additionally, the book will be on display at the International Book Fair scheduled to take place in Tirana in November.

Authored by

Kozeta Çuadari Çika, from Tirana, Albania, is an English teacher and a skilled translator. She has been serving as LI Representative for Albania since 2006 and made notable contributions as a co-organizer of the LI World Conference held in Tirana in 2014. Kozeta has displayed her linguistic prowess by translating several important works into Albanian, including “The Adventures of Jonathan Gullible” by Ken Schoolland (two editions), Ayn Rand’s “Anthem,” Frank Karsten’s “Beyond Democracy,” Jacques de Guenin’s “The Logic of Classical Liberalism,” von Mises’ “Free Market and Its Enemies,” and Rainer Zitelmann’s “In Defense of Capitalism.” Her dedication to promoting these influential texts in her native language is commendable, contributing to the dissemination of ideas crucial for a more prosperous and free society.