July 12, 2006

Free Market Summer Arrives In Prague

ISIL’s 25th World Freedom Summit Free Market summer Arrives in Prague – A conference report by Vince Miller – Dan Stastny (Vice Dean of the University of Economics – Prague), Josef Sima (Economics Department Head) and Josef’s wife Tereza discuss conference proceedings The Rise of…
June 12, 2001

The Hidden War On Your Privacy

How government secretly spies on you, your children and your finances . . . and uses that information to control you. by Jarret B. Wollstein There is a hidden war on your privacy. If you're like most Americans, you probably…
June 9, 2001

The Causes of Aggression

by Jarret B. Wollstein We live in a world which often seems more violent with every passing day. Terrorist bombings, school-yard massacres, war, and atrocities fill news headlines. At times it even seems that humanity has a collective death wish. Human…
Jonathan GulliblePublications
October 13, 2000

Philosophy of Liberty

"Philosophy of Liberty" Flash Animation Adopted by Libertarianz      The "Philosophy of Liberty" flash animation which was derived from the epilogue to Ken Schoolland's The Adventures of Jonathan Gullible – and executed as a computer animation by Kerry Pearson, of British…
January 12, 2000

New Declaration of Independence

NEW DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE by Vincent H. Miller & Jarret B. Wollstein Two hundred years ago our ancestors signed a document which forever changed the course of history: the Declaration of Independence. That document severed the bonds of Colonial America…
October 12, 1999

The Green Gestapo

by Jarret Wollstein For the "crime" of cleaning up his own property without a federal permit, the EPA charged him with 41 violations of the Clean Water Act. According to the EPA, water retained in decaying tires and rusty ditches…
October 12, 1999

Freedom of Speech Under Siege

by Jarret B. Wollstein "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."      Voltaire No right is more fundamental than freedom of speech. Without freedom of speech you can't communicate your ideas and…
October 27, 1998

Libre Comercio o Proteccionismo?

Razones en contra de las restricciones comerciales por Vincent H. Miller y James R. Elwood traducido por Alberto Mansueti El señuelo del proteccionismo El argumento en pro del llamado "proteccionismo" (que algunos llaman comercio "justo" o "leal") puede sonar atractivo…
August 12, 1998

It’s Time To End Social Security

Why the System is Bankrupt - and How We Can Replace It by George L. O'Brien edited by Mark Valverde and James R. Elwood      "If the US government were required to keep its books the way businesses are required to keep…
June 12, 1998

How To Sell Liberty

by Jarret Wollstein Why Liberty Must Be Sold In folklore, to succeed all you need to do is come up with a great idea or product. "Invent a better mousetrap, and the world will beat a path to your door."…
December 12, 1997

Just Say No to Extortion Futures!

Why buying government bonds is a bad investment for yourself, and our future by James R. Elwood Most people think that buying government bonds is the safest investment you can make, and that the money is used for beneficial purposes. The…
December 12, 1997

Government Schools in Crisis

by George L. O'Brien edited by Geoffrey Erikson The tax-supported "public school" system is in trouble. There are chronic problems with discipline, mounting violence, declining test scores, and administrative costs spiraling out of control. Government schools continue to graduate functional illiterates,…
December 12, 1997

The Endangered Middle Class

  Why millions of Americans are on the verge of bankruptcy despite a "booming" economy by Jarret B. Wollstein On the surface, America's economy is in great shape. Unemployment and inflation are reportedly low. Corporate profitability is at record levels. The…
November 12, 1997

End Tax Slavery Now

WE MUST END TAX SLAVERY NOW! by Jarret B. Wollstein Out-of-control taxes and regulations are crippling America. According to current federal budget projections, within 15 years the government will take 70% of your income directly in taxes.  America will look like…
October 9, 1997

Democracy vs. Freedom

by Jarret Wollstein "Democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and conflict; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent…
May 12, 1997

In Pursuit of Liberty

by Jarret B. Wollstein We are living in exciting times. From the Soviet Union, to Cuba, to East Germany, totalitarian socialism is crumbling and human liberty is advancing throughout the world. With little more than their bare hands and raw…
October 12, 1993

We Can Have Affordable Health Care

by Jarret B. Wollstein Affordable medical care is now a major concern for most Americans. Nearly 80% agree that our "health care system is headed toward a crisis because of rising costs." In the last five years, the cost of…
October 12, 1993

The Pollution Solution

by Dr. Mary J. Ruwart We all want a safe, pollution-free environment - and with hope in our hearts many of us have turned to government rules and regulations to protect ourselves and our loved ones from the horrors of…